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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Millions of SIM card is in danger of facing'

A technology security specialist according to the phones attached to the SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) cards, a design error to millions of users gozetlenme and theft in danger of leaving.

Karsten Nohl, SIM cards and a message to be sent to the method of digital codes to access the method discovered in time. In itself, this practice of the people dinlenmesinde or to steal money can be used in the direction of such transactions and provide notice.

Mobile phone networks, and a sector of the companies representing the GSM Association (GSMA) said it was investigating claims. The association's spokesman, said, "Karsten'in these findings GSMA'yle early to share the preliminary analysis is to provide us with an opportunity," he said.

The spokesman said the description of the continued: "the Findings of the possible results of the review will be impacted by the network operators and the Sim suppliers to make the guidance we have had the opportunity. The old standards produced of Sim cards that can be influenced to be seen."

Nohl, associated with the vulnerability onincelemesini, the centre of Berlin, in the company of Security Research Labs on the web page of released.

Listened to the calls

A kind of security token to the SIM cards, the user information from a mobile phone network through confirms. The cards are also a short amount of the message and the telephone number of the store.

Nohl, phone, from a network message to the strain that is given to a message with the security codes of the emergence discovered in time. Thrown in the message of the network, fake digital signature contains. Nohl, the message is fraudulent, who realize that most of the phone's communication cut, but denediklerinin about a quarter of the answer to the SIM card security codes that contains the error message sent, he says.

Nohl, an attacker this information to achieve in the case of the Java programming language, written viruses Sim cards to install, it says. These security codes by hackers to send a message to the user's voicemail messages to listen to, and where they are to be able to follow it is to be used, he says.

In addition Nohl other equipment is also basvurulmasiyla the phone listening device that is able to transform such explains. The bbc said in a statement Nohl SIM-cards of all phone calls, text messages and internet traffic to encrypt the required security codes produces," he says and adds: "if such people to encrypted information can infer in the hands of the Sim card codes when the data in the password can solve."

"Operators, 3G or 4G phones talks dinlenemeyecegini says - but the Sim card when this is quite possible." Nohl also research on the basis of all the world's SIM cards that are about 8-to-1 of about 500 to 750 million of the device - this type of attack, " he says.
Itself, although this is the kind of question which of countries phones affect he did not tell the public in Africa as users more and more concern should be explained.

Nohl, "in Europe, Sim cards and phone calls and texting while in Africa, many people do mobile banking, too. Sim card playing the husband bank accounts can also be played," he says.

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